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Minggu, 27 Desember 2015

【SEAnews:India Front Line Report】December 25, 2015 (FRI) No. 3902

SEAnews SEA Research, BLK 758 Yishun Street 72 #09-444 Singapore 760758
India Front Line Report
Digest Classified MISC About Us Readers' Voice
Latest Top News(vol.151225)
(最新ニュース 30件)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45590(1/30)
◆多様な社会には、多様な普遍的価値適応:Google CEO

○Google、鉄道400駅にwi-fi接続(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45591(2/30)

○谷歌在400个车站提供免费WiFi连接设施(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45592(3/30)
◆India is a diverse society, the same universal values apply here as well: Google CEO

【New Delhi】Its India-born CEO Pichai, who ran Google Chrome and Android before being picked for the top job by founder Larry Page as part of a radical move to bifurcate the company into Google and Alphabet, last week waded into a hot-button political topic in the US of allowing Muslim immigrants into the country with an unequivocal statement that called for greater tolerance and open-mindedness.
○Google will connect 400 railway stations using wi-fi(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45593(4/30)

【ニューデリー】インドにおける200億米ドル投資計画を発表したソフトバンクは、このほど初のソーラ・プロジェクトを獲得、インド・ソーラ・エネジ市場へのデビューを果たした。(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45594(5/30)

【新徳里】日本软银集团公布在印度投资200亿美元计划后,终于获得了首个太阳能发电项目而登上了印度太阳能市场。(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45595(6/30)
◆Japan's SoftBank wins first solar project in India

【New Delhi】Marking its debut in the Indian solar sector after its investment announcement of $20 billion, Japan's SoftBank won its first solar power project in India. (...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45596(7/30)

○インド、汚染で中国に先行(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45597(8/30)

【华盛顿】世界银行已经批准了一项15亿美元的贷款,用于雄心勃勃的"清洁印度运动(Clean India Mission)"。印度政府在该运动下,确保农村地区的所有公民都能获得改善的卫生设施并到2019年底前结束露天排便的习惯。
○印度关于污染领先中国(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45598(9/30)
◆World Bank approves USD 1.5b to support clean India campaign

【Washington】The World Bank has approved a USD 1.5 billion loan for the ambitious clean India campaign to support the government in its efforts to ensure all citizens in rural areas have access to improved sanitation and end the practice of open defecation by 2019.
○India racing ahead of China when it comes to pollution(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45599(10/30)

【ニューデリー】最高裁は12月16日、ニューデリー市内の極度な大気汚染の悪化を抑制する一連の措置を発表するとともに、2000ccを超えるディーゼル・エンジンのスポーツ多目的車(SUV)および乗用車(car)のデリーと首都圏(NCR:National Capital Region)における登録を2016年3月31日まで禁止した。
○タクシー予約アプリOla、乗り入れ制限に伴い乗り合い方式導入(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45600(11/30)

○奥拉公司推出共乘方式而支持徳里当局的管制汽车措施(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45601(12/30)
◆SC bars registration of high-end diesel vehicles in Delhi, NCR

【New Delhi】The Supreme Court on December 16 banned registration of diesel-run SUVs and cars having engine capacity beyond 2000 cc in Delhi and National Capital Region till March 31, next year as it unveiled a slew of measures to curb the alarming rise in pollution levels in the city.
○Ola launches ride-sharing to back Delhi's car mandate(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45602(13/30)

○日印提携、対中勢力均衡目指す:中国英字紙(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45603(14/30)

○印日签署合作伙伴关系协议,以制衡中国:中国英文报(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45604(15/30)
◆Japan's $12 billion 'Make in India' fund to push investments

【New Delhi】Japan on December 12 committed itself to billions of dollars of investments in India, including a $12-billion loan at negligible interest for the much touted "Bullet Train" and another $12 billion for " Make in India" initiative.
○Modi-Abe summit: Shaping the Indo-Pacific
○'Indo-Japan partnership to counter balance China'(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45605(16/30)

○サウジ率いる34カ国軍事同盟関知せず:パキスタン(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45606(17/30)

○巴基斯坦没有意识到自己包含在沙特领导的34个国家军事联盟(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45607(18/30)
◆India ready for operation against ISIS if UN adopts resolution

【New Delhi】India on December 16 said it can undertake operations against the ISIS terror group under a UN flag if the global body adopts a resolution in this regard.
○US concerned over terror from Pakistan: Parrikar
○Indian Oil Corporation marketing manager arrested for ISIS links
○Pak unaware of inclusion in Saudi led 34-nation military bloc(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45608(19/30)

【ニューデリー】インド海軍設計局(design bureau)は、第二、第三の国産空母エンジンに原子力エンジンを採用する可能性を前向きに検討している。
○国産航空機エンジンHTFE 25の試運転成功(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45609(20/30)

○国产飞机引挈HTFE 25的试验成功(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45610(21/30)
◆Indian Navy considering nuclear propulsion for aircraft carriers

【New Delhi】The Indian Navy's design bureau is favourably considering nuclear propulsion for the second, and possibly a third indigenous aircraft carrier.
○India set to develop own stealth combat drones
○HAL builds new aerospace centre in Marathahalli
○HAL's 25 kN aero engine completes inaugural run(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45611(22/30)

【ナイロビ】インド、米国、EU、ブラジル、中国の5貿易相は、主に農業問題とドーハ交渉の今後に関する2つのキー・イシューを打開するため、世界貿易機関(WTO)のロベルト・アゼベド事務局長およびケニアのアミナ・モハメド貿易相と膝詰め談判を進めているが、ニルマラ・シタラマン商工相は12月18日夕、「インドはすべての問題に関して他の国と閣僚レベルの会談を続けているが、インドが重視する『貧農のための特別セーフガード(SSM:special safeguard mechanism)』や『食料安全保障のための公的備蓄(public stockholding for food security purposes)』等の課題には、ほとんど焦点が合わされていない」と失望感を表明した。
○2016年上半期にインドEUサミット(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45612(23/30)

【内罗毕】虽然来自五个国家,包括印度,美国,欧盟,巴西和中国的贸易部长们,为了两个关键课题就是农业问题和多哈会议的未来取得突破,所以跟世界贸易组织总干事罗伯托·阿泽维多和肯尼亚贸易部长阿米娜·穆罕默徳鸠合,印度贸工部长尼尔马拉·西沙拉曼于12月18日晚上说,"尽管印度对所有问题与其他国家不断地进行部长级谈判,但是很少专注于我们的利益问题,如'贫困农民的特殊保障机制(SSM:special safeguard mechanism)'和'用于粮食安全目的的公共储备(public stockholding for food security purposes)'。所以我很失望。"
○印度欧盟峰会于2016年上半年举办:欧盟驻印大使(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45613(24/30)
◆Indian Minister of Commerce expresses disappointment over WTO talks

【Nairobi】Although trade ministers from five countries including India, the US, the EU, Brazil and China are holed up with World Trade Organisation (WTO) Director General Roberto Azevedo and Kenyan Trade Minister Amina Mohamed to reach a breakthrough on the two crucial issues of agriculture and the future of Doha, Indian Commerce & Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said on December 18 night that India was continuously engaged with other countries on all issues at the ministerial, but was disappointed that there is little focus on issues of its interest such as the special safeguard mechanism (SSM) for poor farmers and a permanent solution on public stockholding.
○India EU summit in first half of 2016: EU ambassador(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45614(25/30)

【ニューデリー】アルン・ジェートリー蔵相は12月14日、与野党デタントの期待の高まりの中でスタートした冬期国会が決裂の危機に瀕していると語った。これにより『2014年商品サービス税法案(Goods and Services Tax Bill)』が国会を通過する可能性は大幅に後退した。
○10月のサービス輸出前月比0.2%増加(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45615(26/30)

○2015年10月的服务出口额比上月稍微増加(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45616(27/30)
◆Hopes recede for GST Bill passage

【New Delhi】Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on December 14 said the winter session of Parliament, which had started with much promise of a détente between the government and the Opposition, was "threatened with a washout." This diminished significantly the chances of the passage of the Goods and Services Tax Bill, 2014.
○Exports fall for 12th straight month, down 24% in Nov
○Receipts from service exports rise marginally in October 2015(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45617(28/30)

○《ガラテヤ信徒への手紙》(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45618(29/30)

○《加拉太书》(...Read more)
2015-12-25 ArtNo.45619(30/30)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Christ resurrected)

 From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once
regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer. (2 Corinthians 5:16)
○Establishment of the Church in Antioch
○Truth of the martyrdom and the persecution
○The noteworthy role of Hellenists
○The Split between Paul and Mark
○The resolution of Apostolic Conference
○The reason for rejection of Mark's accompaniment
○What is "Baptism with The Holy Spirit"?
○《The Epistle to the Galatians》(...Read more)
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Kamis, 24 Desember 2015

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Kamis, 17 Desember 2015

【SEAnews】Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Christ is in all) (vol.151104)

SEAnews SEA Research, BLK 758 Yishun Street 72 #09-444 Singapore 760758
India Front Line Report
Digest Classified MISC About Us Readers' Voice

Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Christ is in all)

You stiff-necked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You are just like your fathers: You always resist the Holy Spirit! (Acts 7:51)
Jesus said, "Whoever blasphemes against the Father will be forgiven, and whoever blasphemes against the son will be forgiven, but whoever blasphemes against the holy spirit will not be forgiven, either on earth or in heaven." (Thomas 44)
No, a man is a Jew if he is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a man's praise is not from men, but from God. (Romans 2:29)
Surge of Hellenic believers
In the early days of the Jerusalem church, the Hellenic believers complained against the Hebraic Jews because they were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. As a result, seven leaders, led by Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, was chosen from the Hellenic believers. Then the Twelve Disciples entrusted day-to-day management of the Jerusalem church to them and was committed to prayer and the ministry of the word. (Acts 6:1-7)

Martyrdom of Stephen
However, members of the Synagogue of the Freedmen (as it was called)-Jews of Cyrene and Alexandria as well as the provinces of Cilicia and Asia accused Stephen blaspheming against Moses and against God. They said, "This man is always speaking against the Temple and against the law of Moses. We have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy the Temple and change the customs Moses handed down to us."
Thus a meeting of the Sanhedrin (Supreme council) was convened. They brought Stephen in before the council to be questioned by the high priest. Stephen explained that the events in the history of Israel, such as Abraham's vocation, the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses and the establishment of the kingdom of David were a prelude to prepare the advent of the Messiah, that is Jesus, and the temple or idols made by men were worthless but only obeying the Holy Spirit was the will of God Yet, he condemned the members of the council, saying, "Now you have betrayed and murdered Jesus, the Christ?" They, who were infuriated by him, dragged Stephen out of the city and stoned him. On that day a great persecution broke out against the Hellenic believers in Jerusalem Church according to the Acts of the Apostles. (Acts 6:8-8:3)

In contrast with Peter and John who managed to get over
Prior to this, Peter and John were also arrested and brought in the Sanhedrin more than once. However they could escape from prison every time and managed to get over the hearing in the Sanhedrin by the help of an elder of the Essenes named Gamaliel. The charges of the two were that they had publicly driven out evil spirits and cured sick persons in the name of Jesus. However such exorcism rite seems to have had been routinely performed at that time. Therefore, they were just ordered not to preach in the name of Jesus again.
In contrast, Stephen disregarded not only the authority of the temple but also Mosaic law itself. Therefore, James the Less, who had served as the high priest for the Nazirites in the temple and had won the high honor of the Righteous among the clergy in Jerusalem, and Gamaliel, who had provided a meeting place owned by his party, the Essenes, to the Jerusalem Church, seem to have not dared to rescue him.

Paul's conversion
However, the contents that Stephen preached in the Sanhedrin is consistent with not only Gnosticism but also the doctrine of Paul. Thus, the description of the Acts, which says, Paul led the people and persecuted the members of the Jerusalem Church (Acts 8:1-3), might not be believable thoroughly.
Paul, who got a charter from the High Priest, immediately went to Damascus and started to his missionary work under the support of the Hellenic believers. Barnabas, who was expelled from Jerusalem after he had sold a field in Cyprus and had donated the money to the Church, served as an usher of Paul's missionary trip. The author of the Acts of the Apostles might has created the episodes of "persecution by Paul" and "Paul's conversion," in order to hide the role of the High Priest and Paul on the events of Jesus' crucifixion and establishment of the Jerusalem Church.

Habitat segregation for Hellenists and Hebraists
Actually if the Hellenic believers had increased any more, the unification of the Jerusalem Church, which had founded incorporating with not only the Gentiles around the Mediterranean coast but also the Sadducees and Pharisees, could not have been maintained. Given that fresh on the heels of the unnatural death of Ananias and his wife Sapphira, Hellenic leaders took over day-to-day management of the Jerusalem Church, the increase of Hellenic believers seems to have had threatened the leadership of the mainstream of the Church, too. Therefore, it seems that a habitat segregation for Hellenists and Hebraists was taken place in the wake of the martyrdom of Stephen and the Hellenic believers withdrew from Jerusalem and built new bases in Samaria, Damascus and even Antioch, etc.
However, personal pupils of Jesus led by the Twelve seem to have remained in Jerusalem and to have continued to do their missionary works. The group of Nazirite led by James the Less and other younger brothers of Jesus, such as Matthew, Simon and Judas looks to have based in the Temple, the group of former disciples of John the Baptist, such as Peter, Andrew and John and the group of Gnostics, such as Thomas, Philip and Nathanael, both appear to have based in the meeting place of the Essenes.

Christ is in all
Regarding "people with uncircumcised hearts and ears," Paul also preaches as follows;
Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge (Gnosis = Prajnaparamita) in the image of its Creator. Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all. (Col 3:9-11)
How then can a man put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. Dogen Zenji (1200-1253), the founder of the Japanese Soto Zen School, says in his Scripture "Fukan-zazengi" (The Way of Zazen Recommended to Everyone), "Originally, the Way (truth) is complete and universal. You need neither practice nor testimony. The Vehicle of Reality is in the Self. Why should we waste our efforts trying to attain it. - omit - Therefore cease studying words and following letters. Learn to withdraw, turning the light inwards, illuminating the Self. (Doing so), your body and mind will drop off naturally, and original-Self will become manifest. If you wish to attain suchness, practice suchness immediately."<To be continued.>

What is "Baptism with The Holy Spirit"?
According to the dialectic of the Gospel of John,
【Thesis】"A man can possess eternal life through accepting testimony of the Son of man and being baptized by him." (John 5:24)
【Anti-thesis】But "The one who comes from the earth cannot accept the testimony by one from heaven."(John 3:32)
How then can a man possess eternal life?
【Synthesis】"If you want to be baptized with the Holy Spirit, you can just go back to the word which was with God in the beginning (John 1:1) and certify that God is truthful. (John 3:33)"
When he said, "You are Huichao," Zen Master Fayan thrusted vivid Self in Huichao in front of his eyes. (P.171)
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Selasa, 08 Desember 2015

【SEAnews:India Front Line Report】December 02, 2015 (WED) No. 3901

SEAnews SEA Research, BLK 758 Yishun Street 72 #09-444 Singapore 760758
India Front Line Report
Digest Classified MISC About Us Readers' Voice
Latest Top News(vol.151202)
(最新ニュース 30件)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45560(1/30)

○深セン市、グジャラート州スマート・シティー計画に2億米ドル投資(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45561(2/30)

○深圳政府承诺投资中兴软创的古吉拉特州智能城市项目200亿美元(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45562(3/30)
◆PM Modi and French President Hollande to launch game changing solar alliance

【Paris】Prime Minister Narendra Modi and French President Francois Hollande will launch a
global solar alliance on the 30th November to kick off the two-week long UN-sponsored climate
change negotiations in Paris.
○Shenzhen govt commits $200 mn for ZTEsoft's smart city projects in Gujarat(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45563(4/30)

○モディ首相、古戦場カンパルに戦争記念館建設提案(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45564(5/30)

○莫迪总理建议在霹雳州战役遗址建立战争纪念馆(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45565(6/30)
◆India, Malaysia to deepen defence cooperation: PM

【Putrajaya】India and Malaysia will deepen cooperation in security and defence, Prime Minister
Narendra Modi said on the 23rd of November as he emphasised that the recent attacks globally
and the "ceaseless" terror attempts against India and Afghanistan were a reminder of the global
nature of terrorism.
○From economy to intolerance: Top 10 things PM said in Malaysia
○'India ready to work with Malaysia for war memorial'(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45566(7/30)

○UAE警察、カルナタカ州出身のIS同調者を逮捕(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45567(8/30)

○卡纳塔克州出身的伊斯兰国外围成员在迪拜被捕(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45568(9/30)
◆Delink religion from terror, need new strategies, says PM

【Kuala Lumpur】Warning that terrorism was the "biggest threat" to the world, Prime Minister
Narendra Modi on the 22nd of November said it should be delinked from religion.
○IS lures new recruits with promises of job, rule of sharia and 'jihadi bride'
○IS 'sympathiser' from Karnataka held in Dubai(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45569(10/30)

○モディ氏の金預金スキーム、目下のところ僅か400グラム(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45570(11/30)

○莫迪的金存款计划到目前为止吸引了只有400克(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45571(12/30)
◆The focus is on the East, rather than the West says, RBI Governor

【Beijing】"The prime minister has clearly laid out a path for improving relations with neighbours.
The focus is on the East, rather than the traditional emphasis on the West."
○July-Sept GDP to grow 7.5%, 50 bps repo rate cut in H1 2016
○Modi's gold deposit scheme attracts only 400 grammes so far(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45572(13/30)

○ラファール戦闘機契約、仏大統領訪印の目玉に(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45573(14/30)

○拉阵风战斗机合同是奥朗徳访印的最大礼物(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45574(15/30)
◆India, Japan to finalise aircraft pact during Shinzo Abe's India visit

【New Delhi】India and Japan are set to firm up an agreement to jointly produce amphibious
military aircraft during the upcoming visit of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, in what could
be the first defence deal between the two countries.
○Tricolour upside down as Modi,Abe shake hands before bilateral
○Hollande's takeaway will be Rafale deal(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45575(16/30)

○向こう5年間に鉄道事業に950億米ドル投資:モルガン・スタンレー(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45576(17/30)

○印度今后5年在铁路项目上可能花950亿美元:摩根·斯坦利(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45577(18/30)
◆India, Japan ink pact for Rs 5,479 crore assistance for Chennai, Ahmedabad metros

【New Delhi】India and Japan have inked an agreement for Rs 5479 crore official development
assistance for Chennai and Ahmedabad metros, a financial statement said on the 29th November.
○India may spend $95 billion on railways over 5 years: Morgan Stanley(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45578(19/30)

○10月のカー・セールは泡沫か、はたまた転換点?(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45579(20/30)

○10月汽车销售急増是个泡沫或一个转捩点(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45580(21/30)
◆Maruti to spend Rs 15,000 cr to double sales infra in 5 years

【New Delhi】India's largest carmaker Maruti Suzuki, which aims to increase its annual sales to
about 2 million units by 2020, will invest Rs 15,000 crore over the next five years in procuring
land for doubling its dealership network and expanding stockyard, warehouse and transportation
○Was 'October Car Sale' a flash in the pan or the start of a turnaround?(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45581(22/30)

【ニューデリー】インド・セル式電話業者協会(COAI:Cellular Operators Association of India)
は11月23日、インドのGSM(global system for mobile communications)契約者総数は1
○4Gモデルに牽引され9月期四半期スマフォ出荷台数21%増加(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45582(23/30)

【新徳里】国内GSM移动电话公司组成的印度移动电话运营商协会(COAI:Cellular Operators
Association of India)在11月23日发表说,印度国内GSM(全球移动通信系统)订户在10月份
○4G推动9月季度智能手机増长(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45583(24/30)
◆Indian GSM subscriber' base reach 73.94 crore in October

【New Delhi】The GSM mobile subscribers' base in the country increased by 63 lakh in October
to reach 73.94 crore, industry body the Cellular Operators Association of India(COAI) said on
the 23rd of November.
○4G drives smartphone growth in Sept quarte(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45584(25/30)

○チタンとHP、スマート・ウォッチ新製品の発売で提携(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45585(26/30)
◆三星成为印度最大的4G智能手机厂商: IDC

○吉天公司和惠普公司合作将推出智能手表(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45586(27/30)
◆Samsung becomes biggest 4G smartphone vendor in India: IDC

【New Delhi】Korean handset major Samsung consolidated its lead in the smartphone segment,
clocking a 13.1% sequential growth, taking its smartphone share to 24% in the third quarter of
2015, according to market research firm IDC. .
○Reliance Jio plans digital content strategy to take on peers
○Titan joins hands with HP to launch smart watches(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45587(28/30)

○『聖霊のバプテスマ』とは一体何か(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45588(29/30)

 耶稣说:「亵渎圣父的人会被宽恕,亵渎圣子的人会被宽恕,但亵渎圣灵的人,不论在天上或在地上,不会被宽恕。」(托马斯 44)
○"圣灵的施洗"是什么概念?(...Read more)
2015-12-02 ArtNo.45589(30/30)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Christ is in all)

 You stiff-necked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You are just like your fathers: You always resist the Holy Spirit! (Acts 7:51)
 Jesus said, "Whoever blasphemes against the Father will be forgiven, and whoever blasphemes against the son will be forgiven, but whoever blasphemes against the holy spirit will not be forgiven, either on earth or in heaven." (Thomas 44)
 No, a man is a Jew if he is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a man's praise is not from men, but from God. (Romans 2:29)
○Surge of Hellenic believers
○Martyrdom of Stephen
○In contrast with Peter and John who managed to get over
○Paul's conversion
○Habitat segregation for Hellenists and Hebraists
○Christ is in all
○What is "Baptism with The Holy Spirit"?(...Read more)
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