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Rabu, 05 April 2017

【SEAnews:India Front Line Report】April 03, 2017 (MON) No. 3915

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India Front Line Report
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Latest Top News(vol.170403)
(最新ニュース 27件)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45953(1/27)

○扇動的ヒンドゥー聖職者の首席大臣就任で宗教的少数者受難:NYタイムズ(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45954(2/27)

○印度教的煽动教士被指名为首席部长是令人震惊的灾祸:纽约时报(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45955(3/27)
◆Trump congratulates Modi on poll victory

【Washington】U.S. President Donald Trump congratulated Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the BJP victory in Uttar Pradesh, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said on the 25th of March.
○Firebrand Hindu cleric as CM shocking rebuke to minorities: NYT(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45956(4/27)

○UP州議会当選者の8割は百万長者(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45957(5/27)

○UP州议会当选者的8成是百万富翁(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45958(6/27)
◆Modi sees 'New India' for the poor

【New Delhi】Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the 12th of March turned his party's stupendous success in the Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand elections into a victory march, looking beyond the 2019 general elections at 2022, the 75th year of the country's Independence, with a fresh theme: 'New India'.
○80% of new U.P. MLAs are crorepatis(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45959(7/27)

○政治的に再充電されたモディ政権、山積する不良債権問題で立ち往生も(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45960(8/27)

○在国内政治上再充电的莫迪政权,面对堆积如山的坏账(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45961(9/27)
◆UP poll result has made a mockery of the criticism that demonetisation got: Chris Wood

【New Delhi】"The outcome of the elections, especially in Uttar Pradesh (UP), is a big positive and has made a mockery of the criticism that demonetisation got."
○State election results to facilitate reforms: Moody's
○India's bad-debt mountain hangs over politically recharged Narendra Modi(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45962(10/27)

【ニューデリー/ラクナウ】インド人民党(BJP)の選挙公約通り、ウッタルプラデシュ州農民の商業銀行と協同組合銀行に対する未返済の借入金の返済が100%免除されるなら、そのために同州政府財務局が被る負担総額はおよそ850億ルピー、同州内総生産(GDSP:gross state domestic product)の0.67%に相当することになる。
○農業ローン返済免除で、不良貸し付け問題悪化も:アナリスト(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45963(11/27)

【新徳里/勒克瑙】如果按照印度人民党(BJP)的选举承诺,全面免除北方州农民对商业银行和合作银行未支付的债务的话,该州财政部必须受到的负担850亿卢比或相等于该州国内生产总值(GDSP:gross state domestic product)的0.67% 。
○免除偿还农业贷款会导致恶化银行界不良贷款问题:分析家(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45964(12/27)
◆PM Modi's promise on loan waiver may imperil the state's fiscal path

【New Delhi/Lucknow】A full waiver of Uttar Pradesh farmers' unpaid dues to commercial and cooperative banks, as promised by the BJP, might cost the state's exchequer about Rs 8,500 crore or roughly 0.67% of the gross state domestic product (GSDP) in 2016-17.
○Loan waivers negative for banks, MFIs: Analysts(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45965(13/27)

○インド港湾会社、イラン・チャバハル港開発請負業者を近く選考(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45966(14/27)

○印度港口公司,即将选择伊朗沙巴哈鲁港口发展承包商(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45967(15/27)
◆China says CPEC will not affect its stand on Kashmir issue

【Beijing】China on the 27th of March defended its ambitious USD 46 billion CPEC project, saying President Xi Jinping's pet initiative was aimed at improving livelihood of people in the area and will not affect Beijing's stand on the Kashmir issue.
○IPGPL invites bids to select firm for Chabahar Port(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45968(16/27)

【北京】中国は3月13日、インドとパキスタンが、北京主導の安全保障組織『上海協力機構(SCO:Shanghai Cooperation Organisation)』に加盟することは、域内の安全と安定に寄与するとの期待を表明した。
○トランプ政権、インドのNSG加盟支持(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45969(17/27)

【北京】中国于3月13日表示,它希望印度和巴基斯坦加入北京为首的上海合作组织(SCO:Shanghai Cooperation Organisation),从而促进区内的安全和稳定。
○特朗普政权也支持印度加入核供应国集团(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45970(18/27)
◆India, Pak. in SCO will ensure security of region, says China

【Beijing】China on the 13th March hoped the admission of India and Pakistan into the Beijing-led Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) security grouping will contribute to security and stability in the region.
○Is a new US-Pak romance underway?
○Trump admin also backs India's NSG bid(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45971(19/27)

【シンガポール】近頃、中国では、強姦や家庭内暴力から、独身女性に対する『剰女(シュンニー:leftover women)』と言った社会的烙印に至るまで、ショッキングな社会現象が目にされるようになった。それは依然として微々たるものかも知れないが、あるいは大規模な社会的激変が中国に生じつつあるのかも知れない。二、三十年前にはそんなことは思いもよらないことで、中国は長きにわたり『女性が天の半分を支える』国として称賛されてきたものだ。
○イスラム教徒割り当て制導入のために全力:テランガナ州首席大臣(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45972(20/27)

○竭尽全力实施穆斯林配额:特兰伽纳首席部长(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45973(21/27)
◆Are Chinese women still holding up half the sky?:The Financial Express

【Singapore】Several shocking cases out of China in the recent past—from rape to domestic violence to social stigma attached to single women called the 'sheng nu' or leftover women—may be few and far between, but indicative of the massive social upheaval in China where a few decades ago this would have been unthinkable. China has long been applauded as where women 'hold up half the sky'.
○Irom slams BJP action in Manipur
○Will move heaven and earth to implement Muslim quota: Tel CM(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45974(22/27)

○四恩三有に報いず(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45975(23/27)

 因为凯撒·奥古斯都命令整个罗马世界的人口普查,所以约瑟夫,与身孕九个月的订婚者玛丽亚一起,从南部加利利的拿撒勒走向伯利恒・埃夫拉塔启程。为了人口普查登记,每个人都必须回到家乡。约瑟夫应该回到伯利恒・埃夫拉塔。因为他是大卫王室的后裔。(路加 2:1-5)
○不报四恩三有者(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45976(24/27)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (One's own teacher)

 Joseph travelled from Nazareth in Galilee south toward Bethlehem Ephrata with his betrothed Mary in her ninth month for a census of the entire Roman world which had been ordered by Caesar Augustus. Every person had to return to the city from which his family came for the census. Joseph had to go the Bethlehem Ephrata because he was of David's family. (Luke 2:1-5)
○A child of injustice
○The Escape to Egypt
○John the Baptist and the sect of Simonians
○Simonism and Pauline Theology
○Peter's criticism against Pauline Theology
○No gratitude to the 'Four Graces' and the 'Three Existences'(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45977(25/27)

○裏技:実質1年間広告料無料(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45978(26/27)

○秘诀:简直免1年的广告费(...Read more)
2017-04-03 ArtNo.45979(27/27)
◆Recruitment of Ad-SEAnews Canvassers

【Sponsored Story】SEAnews, which has launched a new business, AD-SEAnews, based on a new concept of "realizing borderless one world," is now preparing to start outsourcing people for ad canvassing and have prepared "Ad-SEAnews Canvasser Memorandum" in Japanese, English and Chinese. If you are interested, please download it.
○Full amount of advertising fee to be paid to you as a commission
○Procedure for canvassing
○"WEB Picture Ad" and "Mail Picture Ad" to be canvassed in one set
○Tips: Practically you can advertise free of charge for one year(...Read more)
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