Latest Top News(vol.160703)
(最新ニュース 27件)
2016-07-03 ArtNo.45779(1/27)
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45780(2/27)
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45781(3/27)
◆Rajan's exit marks major setback to independence of Indian institutions
【New Delhi】It is a sad day for India that a competent person such as Raghuram Rajan is edged out for petty reasons. The main charge against him was his reluctance to lower interest rates, thus, ostensibly, sacrificing growth. This is balderdash!
○Raghuram Rajan felt undermined in weeks before quitting-sources
○Seven names on long list to replace Rajan
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45782(4/27)
【タシケント】インドは6月24日、『北大西洋条約機構(NATO)』に対抗するものと目される強力な安全保障グループ『上海協力機構(SCO:Shanghai Cooperation Organisation)』にアクセスする手続きを開始するための重要書類『責務覚書(Memorandum of Obligations)』に調印した。
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45783(5/27)
【塔什干】印度于6月24日签署上海合作组织(SCO:Shanghai Cooperation Organisation)的义务备忘录(Memorandum of Obligations)。上合组织是日益被视为抗衡北约(NATO)的一个强大的安全分组。义务备忘录则是开始加入上合组织手续的重要文件。
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45784(6/27)
◆India signs MoU kick-starting the process of its accession to SCO
【Tashkent】India on the 24th of June signed Memorandum of Obligations - a key document - kick starting the process of its accession to the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, a powerful security grouping increasingly seen as a counterweight to NATO.
○Modi, Putin vow to take forward India-Russia ties
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45785(7/27)
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45786(8/27)
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45787(9/27)
◆Sky is the limit for investments in India: Jaitley
【Beijing】Sky is the limit for investments in India and its economic growth is sustainable because it has a lot of distance to cover, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said on the 25th of June.
○China leaps 10 spots with $956m FDI in India
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45788(10/27)
【ニューデリー/ソウル】『原子力供給国グループ(NSG:Nuclear Suppliers Group)』は6月24日、『核兵器不拡散条約(NPT:Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons)』を批准しない限り加盟は認められないとして、インドのNSG加盟申請を棄却、ナレンドラ・モディ政権は外交的敗北を喫した。
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45789(11/27)
【新徳里/汉城】纳伦徳拉·莫迪政府于6月24日遭遇了外交上的挫败,由于在那天,核供应国集团(NSG:Nuclear Suppliers Group),拒绝了新徳里的申办加入该俱乐部,除非它签署核不扩散条约(NPT:Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons)。
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45790(12/27)
◆India singles out China for putting 'persistent' hurdles as NSG bid fails
【New Delhi/Seoul】The Narendra Modi government on the 24th of June suffered a diplomatic defeat when the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) turned down New Delhi's bid to enter the club unless it were to sign the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
○A path forward for India to become NSG member by year end: US
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45791(13/27)
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45792(14/27)
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45793(15/27)
◆India well prepared to deal with Brexit impact: Jaitley
【New Delhi】Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on the 24th of June said India is well prepared to deal with the short and medium-term consequences of Brexit and continues to be a good option for investors. Jaitley, who is on an official tour of China, stepped in to soothe domestic investors and talk up markets that are registering significant volatility after the UK referendum showed that a majority wanted to leave the European
○How Brexit may have birthed a windfall for India
○So, who is virtually immune from Brexit carnage in India? Here's who and why ?
○Brexit may bring new opportunities for Indians in UK
○Dream home in U.K. may turn reality for uber rich
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45794(16/27)
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45795(17/27)
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45796(18/27)
◆Brexit aftermath: India Inc sees red
【Mumbai】The prospects of Britain's exit from the European Union (EU) have come as a rude shock to Indian companies, as they are likely to face lower sales, increased cost of operations, immigration barriers for their employees and a fall in export earnings.
○Brexit blues for Indian exports; here's how
○Brexit: Indian diaspora fears loss of jobs
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45797(19/27)
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45798(20/27)
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45799(21/27)
◆Brexit: Cataclysmic shock, but here's what India must do
【New Delhi】This summer is turning out to be an extremely eventful one. Britain has voted to leave the European Union—a result that appears to have been unexpected by many. While this may have many (unintended) near- and long-term consequences for broader economic growth, corporate financials, and asset allocation, including equity performance, in this report, we focus on one more immediate factor: GBP volatility.
○Brexit & India; Here's what you must know
○Look! Brexit has thrown up wonderful opportunity for Indian equity investors
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45800(22/27)
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45801(23/27)
【孟买】高度曝光在英国和欧洲联盟的印度公司的董事会被预料都以严峻的心情看到英国退欧(Brexit)的现实化。塔塔汽车,塔塔钢铁欧洲,Motherson Sumi,塔塔咨询服务公司以及印孚瑟斯技术有限公司都被预料面临英国退欧(Brexit)的冲击,由于它们都高度曝光在该地区和汇率的波动。
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45802(24/27)
◆Brexit aftermath: Bear shadow on India Inc
【Mumbai】It was a sombre mood at the boardrooms of Indian companies with a lot of exposure in Britain and in the European Union (EU). Tata Motors, Tata Steel Europe, Motherson Sumi, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and Infosys are expected to face the brunt of Brexit, due to their exposure to the region and volatility in currency values.
○How Brexit wrought carnage for India's UK linked companies
○How Brexit pushed fund managers into corner, cost India $92 mn
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45803(25/27)
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45804(26/27)
(...Read more) 2016-07-03 ArtNo.45805(27/27)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Go straight or go by upside-down)
Paul started his another missionary journey immediately after returning to the Antioch Church from his second missionary journey, focusing on evangelism in Asia province where he could not have entered during his last missionary journey. (Acts 18:23)
○An appropriate statement and an upside-down statement
○Paul starts his third missionary Journey
○Apollos and his 12 disciples
○I planted, Apollos watered
○Paul touched Dragon's Reverse Scale
○The Synagogue of the Freedmen-Jews
○Freedmen built a financial district in London in the 1st C. AD
○The Riot in Ephesus
○Paul perceived Jews' plot against him
○Paul expressed his sorrow at parting
(...Read more)
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