Latest Top News(vol.160131)
(最新ニュース 27件)
2016-01-31 ArtNo.45647(1/27)
【ニューデリー】フェイスブックは1月20日、同社の『フリー・ベーシックスを救え(Save Free Basics)』キャンペーンを『粗野な組織的世論操作(crudely majoritarian and orchestrated opinion poll)』と断じた電気通信当局の書簡に回答した。
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45648(2/27)
进行的"救济自由门(Free Basics)"运动是名副其实精心策划的舆论操作。
○"网络中立"是什么? 什么是"自由门"?
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45649(3/27)
◆Net neutrality: Facebook puts up response to Trai letter
【New Delhi】Facebook on the 20th January responded to the telecom regulator's letter which called the social network's "Save Free Basics" campaign "crudely majoritarian and orchestrated opinion poll".
○Trai to issue net neutrality norms soon
○What is Net Neutrality, Free Basics, more: All you wanted to know in 10 slides
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45650(4/27)
【ニューデリー】電気通信局(DOT:Department of Telecom)のラケッシュ・ガーグ次官は1月22日、「周波数域入札を6月に行う。全ての可能な周波数域を入札にかけ、業界が求めるエコシステムを提供する」と語った。
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45651(5/27)
【新徳里】电信局(DOT:Department of Telecom)的拉克什·加尔格常任秘书于1月22日说,"电信频谱拍卖在6月的某个时候举办,我们将把所有可用的频谱拍卖以电信行业呼吁的生态系统实现。"
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45652(6/27)
◆Spectrum auction likely to be held in June: Telecom Secretary
【New Delhi】"The spectrum auction will be held sometime in June," Telecom Secretary Rakesh Garg said on the 22nd January. "We will put all available spectrum for auction in which ecosystem is available that industry is demanding."
○'RJio slated to notch up annual revenue of $6.69bn'
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45653(7/27)
【ニューデリー】インドの乗用車(PV:passenger vehicle)市場は、他の指導的経済体のそれに比べ明るいスポットになっている。
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45654(8/27)
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45655(9/27)
◆India shines on global passenger vehicle map
【New Delhi】The domestic passenger vehicle (PV) industry is in a sweeter spot compared to other leading economies.
○Maruti Vitara Brezza teased; global debut at Auto Expo 2016
○Tata-JLR becomes UK's top automaker in 2015
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45656(10/27)
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45657(11/27)
◆印度可以向世界提供运行产业的人力资源: 莫迪总理
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45658(12/27)
◆India can supply manpower for running industries globally: PM Modi
【Guwahati】Highlighting the growing youth population of the country, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the 19th January said that India can supply manpower for running the industries across the globe.
○Poor labourers paying price for India's cheap car boom
○MBAs, BTechs among 19,000 UP applicants for 114 sweepers' jobs
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45659(13/27)
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45660(14/27)
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45661(15/27)
◆India to be fastest growing economy at 7.3% in 2016: UN report
【New Delhi】India will be the fastest-growing major economy in the world in 2016, says the United Nations' 'World Economic Situation and Prospects 2016' report, launched on the 22nd of January.
○India can be a bright spot, says economist Nouriel Roubini
○South Asia and particularly India will be a star performer in 2016
○Economic reforms in India are in right direction: Rajan
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45662(16/27)
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45663(17/27)
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45664(18/27)
◆Government committed to welfare of Dalits: PM Narendra Modi
【Varanasi】With his government under attack over the dalit student's suicide in Hyderabad, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the 22nd of January said his government was committed to the welfare of Dalits, poor and oppressed.
○Hyderabad University revokes suspension of Dalit students
○Hyderabad varsity issue not Dalit versus non-Dalit: Irani
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45665(19/27)
【ダスナ/ロリ/メーラト】『ヒンドゥー・スワブヒマン(HS:Hindu Swabhimanヒンドゥ教徒の魂)』と称する組織が、2020年までにウッタルプラデシュ州西部を支配下に置くと見られるイスラム国(ISIS)との戦闘に備え、首都ニューデリー郊外からウタラーカンド州境に至る地域で、『ダルマ軍団(dharma sena)』を立ち上げ、訓練を施している。
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45666(20/27)
【达斯纳/ 洛罗/密拉特】一个名为"Hindu Swabhiman(HS:印度教徒的心魂)"的组织正在在从印度首都新徳里到北阿坎徳州边境的地区创立并训练达磨军(dharma sena)而准备对抗伊斯兰国(IS)的进攻。后者被称到2020年底前将占领北方州西部地区。
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45667(21/27)
◆15,000-strong 'dharma sena' in Uttar Pradesh readies for war with Islamic State
【Dasna/Rori/Meerut】From the outskirts of India's capital to the Uttarakhand border, an outfit known as Hindu Swabhiman is raising and training what it calls a "dharma sena" to wage war against the so-called Islamic State (ISIS), which it believes will occupy western UP by 2020.
○Country-wide terror raids: NIA picks up five suspects
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45668(22/27)
【ニューデリー】インドは異論の多い原子力安全保障の国際ランキングでその順位を2つ昇級させたものの、『2016年核脅威イニシアチブ(NTI:Nuclear Threat Initiative)』指数は、あたかもインドを愚弄している。
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45669(23/27)
【新徳里】虽然印度在争议性国际核安全排名上提升两位次,不过核威胁倡议(NTI:Nuclear Threat Initiative)协会所公布的"2016年核安指数报告(2016 Nuclear Security Index)"似乎嘲弄印度。
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45670(24/27)
◆India suspects nuclear security index a ploy to reveal country's stockpile
【New Delhi】Even though India moved up two places in a somewhat controversial international ranking on nuclear security, the 2016 Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) security index was greeted here with derision.
○Pakistan's nuclear warheads aimed at deterring India: US report
○Pakistan to sell 8 JF-17 Thunder fighter jets to Sri Lanka, inks eight agreements
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45671(25/27)
我々の価値観(多様性を受容する米国の価値観)が蝕まれるのを傍観してはならない。我々は米国のひいては全世界のイスラム教徒を、そして他の少数派コミュニティーを支持せねばなない。(Google CEO)
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45672(26/27)
(...Read more) 2016-01-31 ArtNo.45673(27/27)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Law of Liberty)
Let's not let fear defeat our values (US values being receptive to diversity). We must support Muslim and other minority communities in the US and around the world.(Google CEO)
○Parallel run of the missionary work
○James' "Law of Liberty"
○Peter's "Free people"
○Paul's "Christ is in all"
○The Spirit of truth
○Mr. Pichai's proposal
○Suchman (Inmo no hito)
(...Read more)
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