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Senin, 16 November 2015

SEAnews:India Front Line Report Novemberr 13, 2015 (FRI) No. 3900

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India Front Line Report
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Latest Top News(vol.151113)
(最新ニュース 27件)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45533(1/27)

【ニューデリー】『寛容か不寛容か』を巡る論争が白熱化する中で、インド人民党(BJP)に率いられる全国民主連盟(NDA:National Democratic Alliance)は、ビハール州議会選挙に大敗を喫した。
○会議派、全国規模の抗議活動準備(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45534(2/27)

○印度国大党准备掀起抗议莫迪政府的全国性宣传活动(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45535(3/27)
◆The tolerance-intolerance debate results in a rout of the NDA in the Bihar polls

【New Delhi】The tolerance-intolerance debate had taken a turn for the worse and finally resulted in a complete rout of the ruling National Democratic Alliance (NDA) led by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)in the Bihar Assembly polls.
○EC diktat on paper ads after beef row
○Cong plans nationwide protests(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45536(4/27)

○モディ政権、依然公約実現と言う挑戦に直面:インフォシス共同創設者(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45537(5/27)

○实现经济发展承诺是莫迪政权的最大挑战:Infosys联合创始人(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45538(6/27)
◆Modi ranks 9th on Forbes' 2015 power list, up 6 places

【New York】Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been ranked as the world's ninth most powerful person by Forbes magazine in a 2015 list.
○'Realisation is setting in — Modi can't pull miracles'
○Execution challenges remain with current govt'(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45539(7/27)

【ニューデリー】インドは、中国の領海主権要求によりインド洋における最大の紛争海域になっている南中国海を通行するすべての国に適応する『行動規範(code of conduct)』を設けることを望んでいる。
○ネパール、中国に必需品の新輸送ルート開設要請(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45540(8/27)

○尼泊尔向中国请求开辟新供应路线(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45541(9/27)
◆India seeks code of conduct on disputed South China Sea

【New Delhi】India wants a "code of conduct" for every nation to follow while passing through the disputed South China Sea that remains the most controversial geographical space in the Indian Ocean because of China's territorial claims.
○Defence minister raises Pakistan question in Russia, shares concerns on arms sales
○Nepal to China: Open new supply routes(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45542(10/27)

【スリナガル】ジャンムー&カシミール州では、ナレンドラ・モディ首相の訪問を成功させるため準備が進められている。当地のインド人民党(BJP)指導者らは11月4日、総合的な経済パッケージが発表されることに期待を表明したが、人民民主党(PDP:Peoples Democratic Party)は、アタル·ビハリ·バジパイ元首相の遺産の継承と推進の必要性を強調した。
○首相の選挙キャンペーンに向けスリナガル厳戒態勢(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45543(11/27)

【斯利那加】为了纳伦徳拉·莫迪总理的访问取得成功,准备工作在查谟和克什米尔州正在鼓足干劲地进行。当地印度人民党(BJP)干部在11月4日表示希望看到"一揽子经济计划"。人民民主党(PDP:Peoples Democratic Party)方面则强调,前总理瓦杰帕伊的遗产需要被继承。
○在前所未有的安全措施下,莫迪总理在斯利那加举办群众大会(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45544(12/27)
◆Revive Vajpayee legacy: PDP

【Srinagar】Preparations are on in Jammu and Kashmir to make Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit a success. While the BJP leaders on the 4th of November expressed the hope to see a "comprehensive economic package", the People's Democratic Party (PDP) stressed that "former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee's legacy need to be carried forward".
○Security beefed up ahead of PM Modi's rally in Srinagar(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45545(13/27)

【グワハティ】アッサム州のタルン・ゴゴイ首席大臣は、州議会選挙が数ヶ月後に迫る中、全インド統一民主戦線(AIUDF:All India United Democratic Front)を含む他の政治勢力との統一戦線を再構築し、インド人民党(BJP)に対抗することを目指している。
○ケララ州、インド東部地域武装集団の温床に(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45546(14/27)

【高哈蒂】随着只剩下几个月就要迎接州议会大选,阿萨姆州首席部长塔伦•戈戈伊打算集聚所有政治势力包括全印度联合民主战线党(AIUDF:All India United Democratic Front)并重新组织统一战线以对抗印度人民党(BJP)。
○喀拉拉州已经成为印度东部武装分子的温床?(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45547(15/27)
◆Gogoi up for realignment of political forces to fight BJP

【Guwahati】With Assembly polls only a few months away, Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi favours a realignemnt of political forces, including the AIUDF, to fight the BJP on a single platform.
○Is Kerala turning a haven for militants of eastern India?(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45548(16/27)

○インドは核兵器125基製造可能なプルトニウム保有:米シンクタンク(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45549(17/27)

○印度持有可制75-125枚核弹的武器级钚原料(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45550(18/27)
◆PM for indigenous manufacturing to cut defence budget by 50 pc

【New Delhi】Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the 5th of November emphasised on indigenous manufacturing to help slash the defence budget by 50 per cent within a decade.
○BrahMos missile to be integrated on fighter aircraft: HAL
○India has 75-125 nuclear weapons: US report(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45551(19/27)

【ニューデリー】気候変動に対処する世界的な努力の一翼を担うため、インドは、太陽光の利用促進を目指す国際組織、『ソーラ技術と応用のための国際機構(INSTA:International Agency for Solar Technologies and Applications)』を立ち上げる計画に乗り出した。
○米企業、1ユニット5ルピー以下で500MWソーラ事業落札(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45552(20/27)

【新徳里】印度参加应付气候变化的全球努力的一环,带头提倡设立全球太阳能联盟名叫"太阳能技术与应用国际机构(INSTA:International Agency for Solar Technologies and Applications)"。
○500MW太阳能发电合约:美公司以每单位5卢比以下得票(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45553(21/27)
◆Government to start global solar alliance, bring together 122 solar rich countries

【New Delhi】Doing its share as part of the global effort to tackle climate change, India is putting in place a global solar alliance, International Agency for Solar Technologies and Applications (INSTA).
○Sub-Rs 5 bids: Solar's moment in the sun(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45554(22/27)

○仏政府、スマート・シティー計画に20億ユーロ借款供与(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45555(23/27)

○法国政府承诺向精灵城市项目贷款20亿欧元(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45556(24/27)
◆India in talks with Japanese lenders to raise more funds for highway projects

【New Delhi】India has initiated talks with Japanese lending agencies for funding of its ambitious highways programme which entails addition of over 50,000 km over the next five years.
○Airports Authority of India to revive 50 airports in 10 years to boost connectivity
○France to give €2 billion for smart cities(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45557(25/27)

 そこでピラトはイエスに言った、「それでは、あなたは王なのだな」。イエスは答えた、「あなたの言うとおり、わたしは王である。わたしは真理についてあかしをするために生まれ、また、そのためにこの世にきたのである。だれでも真理につく者は、わたしの声に耳を傾ける」。 ピラトはイエスに言った、「真理とは何か」。(ヨハネ18:37-38)
○『聖霊のバプテスマ』とは一体何か(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45558(26/27)

○"圣灵的施洗"是什么概念?(...Read more)
2015-11-13 ArtNo.45559(27/27)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Think Neither Good Nor Evil)

 "You are a king, then!" said Pilate. Jesus answered, "You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me." "What is truth?" Pilate asked. (John 18:37-38)
○History of Roman governor Pilate
○Meet with Jesus
○The kingdom is within you and it is outside you.
○Sequence of 4 star General Ming's renouncement of the world
○Since Nothing's There Initially, Where Does the Dust Alight?
○Think Neither Good Nor Evil
○How is he, after his spiritual rebirth?
○What is "Baptism with The Holy Spirit"?(...Read more)
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