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Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2015

SEAnews:India Front Line Report October 27, 2015 (TUE) No.3899

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India Front Line Report
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Latest Top News(vol.151027)
(最新ニュース 30件)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45503(1/30)

○中小企業のための利益直接移転スキーム検討(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45504(2/30)

○政府考虑向中小企业提供利益直接转移的便利(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45505(3/30)
◆Modi government presses acceleration switch as reforms start having impact on ground

【New Delhi】India's economy may be about to turn the corner on the back of robust public spending that's beginning to have an impact on the ground coupled with strong urban consumer demand, economists and government officials said.
○Modi to make key announcements on Startup India in Dec.
○Direct transfer of benefits for MSMEs(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45506(4/30)

○民権党候補演説会場で爆弾炸裂(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45507(5/30)

○民权党候选人演讲会,一枚炸弹爆炸(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45508(6/30)
◆No party can change quota policy, says Modi

【Patna】Prime Minister Narendra Modi harped on his pet theme — development — when he addressed a series of rallies in Bihar on the 25th October. Taking a detour from controversial issues like beef and quota, Modi outlined his six-point agenda for Bihar's progress.
○Jan Adhikar Party candidate narrowly escapes bomb attack(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45509(7/30)

○国産巡航ミサイル発射実験失敗(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45510(8/30)

○国产巡航导弹的试射失败(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45511(9/30)
◆Boeing closed more defence deals with India than whole of US in last 50 years

【New Delhi】Aircraft manufacturing company Boeing on the 17th of October admitted that it has concluded more defence deals with India than the whole of the US defence industry combined in the last fifty years.
○Navy signs Rs 5,000 crore pact with Russian shipbuilder for submarine refit
○Test fire: India's indigenous cruise missile Nirbhay fails midway(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45512(10/30)

【ニューデリー】インドが輸出の伸びの継続的低迷に直面する中、環太平洋連携協定(TPP:Trans-Pacific Partnership)交渉が10月4日、終に最終合意された。輸出成長の低迷は、明らかにインドが目指す持続的高成長の実現に立ちふさがる主要な障害である。
○国境を跨いだ価格移転監査手続きを簡素化(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45513(11/30)

【新徳里】恰好印度继续面对出口増长低潮的时侯,泛太平洋伙伴关系(TPP:Trans-Pacific Partnership)谈判在10月4日终于达成协议。要实现持久性高度成长的印度来说出口増长的低潮是的确一个主要的障碍。
○简化跨境交易的监察转让价格手续(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45514(12/30)
◆The TPP - a wake-up call for India

【New Delhi】The timing of the conclusion of the Trans-Pacific Partnership on October 4 coincides with a continuous slump in export growth in India which will definitely be a major deterrent to India's high and sustained growth ambitions.
○Govt allays MNCs' tax worri(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45515(13/30)

【ムンバイ】ダウディ・ボーラ回教信託基金(Dawoodi Bohra Muslim Trust)は、マハラシュトラ州ムンバイ市ベンディ・バザールのすべての建物を取り壊し、全く新たなクラスターとして再生させる400億ルピーの再開発プロジェクトに着手した。
○デリー州、180億ルピー投じムガール帝都を再開発(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45516(14/30)

【孟买】达伍迪·博赫拉·穆斯林·信托基金(Dawoodi Bohra Muslim Trust)着手一项400亿卢比重建项目。该基金将拆除马哈拉斯特拉州孟买市本蒂巴沙(Bhendi Bazaar)区内的所有建筑物,从而重建一个全新的集群(cluster)。
○徳里政府投资180亿卢比以重建莫卧儿大帝首都(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45517(15/30)
◆Muslim Trust undertaking India's largest ever cluster redevelopment project

【Mumbai】In an ambitious effort, the Dawoodi Bohra Muslim Trust is undertaking the Rs 4,000- crore project that will raze all the buildings in Bhendi Bazaar to build an entire new cluster.
○Great Mughal's capital gears up for an 1,800-cr royal revamp(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45518(16/30)

【ロンドン】Tata Steel Long Products Europe business(TSLPE)は10月20日、「安い中国製品の輸入増加、英ポンドの値上がり、電力コストの上昇から、鋼板の製造を停止する方針を決めた」と発表した。
○タタ・スチール新工場、ニラチャル・イスパットから水購入(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45519(17/30)

【伦敦】塔塔钢铁长材产品欧洲公司(TSLPE:Tata Steel Long Products Europe)于10月20日发表说,它已决定停止生产钢板,由于中国制廉价钢材的进口増加,英镑价格上升以及电力成本増加。
○塔塔钢铁公司与Nilachal Ispat Nigam签署水供合约(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45520(18/30)
◆Tata Steel to cut around 1,200 jobs in Europe in restructuring

【London】Tata Steel Long Products Europe business on the 20th of October said it has decided to stop producing steel plates, because of increasing imports of cheap steel from China, a stronger pound and high electricity costs.
○Tata Steel to source water from Nilachal Ispat for Kalinganagar plant(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45521(19/30)

○政府、ソーラ発電ガイドライン修正目指し意見聴取(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45522(20/30)

○政府准备修订光伏并网发电站准则,并邀请有关反面的意见(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45523(21/30)
◆Odisha bets big on solar power, plans to set up 1,000-Mw park

【Bhubaneswar】Odisha has unveiled an ambitious plan to set up a 1,000-Mw solar park.
○Government seeks views on new guidelines for solar projects(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45524(22/30)

【バンガロール】インド情報技術(IT)業界の代表組織『ソフトウェア・サービス会社全国協会(NASSCOM:National Association of Software and Service Companies)』は、インターネットに初めてアクセスする(new-to-Internet)ユーザー向けのアプリケーションやモバイル・ウェブ・サイトを、デベロッパーが開発するのを支援する新スキームを立ち上げるため、ソーシアル・メディアの巨人『Facebook』と提携した。
○ラタン・タタ氏、11月5日にT-Hub開所式主宰(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45525(23/30)

【班加罗尔】印度信息技术业的代表机构,"软件和服务公司全国协会(NASSCOM:National Association of Software and Service Companies)"合作社交媒体巨头Facebook推出一项新举措以支援软件开发商为了第一次访问互联网的入门用户开发应用程序或移动网站。
○拉坦•塔塔于11月5日举办"T-Hub"落成典礼(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45526(24/30)
◆Nasscom ropes in Facebook to build innovative apps

【Bengaluru】Indian IT industry's representative body Nasscom has partnered social media giant Facebook to launch a new initiative to support developers building apps and mobile websites for "new-to-Internet" users.
○Ratan Tata to inaugurate T-Hub on November 5(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45527(25/30)

○グーグル・インディア営業部長、グーグルプレックス入り(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45528(26/30)

○桑迪普·梅农加入谷歌总部,谷歌印度即将获得新的区域营销负责人(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45529(27/30)
◆Samsung forms team to fine-tune online sales strategy in India

【New Delhi】South Korean electronics major Samsung is looking to tap the booming e-commerce market in India for its consumer electronics division and has set up a team at its headquarters to plan online sales strategy for the country.
○Google India marketing head heads to Googleplex(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45530(28/30)

○『聖霊のバプテスマ』とは一体何か(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45531(29/30)

○"圣灵的施洗"是什么概念?(...Read more)
2015-10-27 ArtNo.45532(30/30)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Guest and host are obvious)

 One day the head monks of the two halls had met and at the same moment each had given a shout. A monk asked Master LinJi, "Was there a guest and a host?" "Guest and host were obvious," replied Master LinJi. (LinJi Lu)
○Jesus suddenly began to waver
○The Church Movement was not monolithic
○The Essenes opposed Temple priesthood
○The origins of the Pharisees and the Sadducees
○Guest and host are obvious
○Jesus' different instructions
○Little mentioned the mainstream of Jerusalem Church
○What is "Baptism with The Holy Spirit"?(...Read more)
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