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Kamis, 19 Februari 2015

SEAnews:India Front Line Report February 20, 2015(FRI) No.3896

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India Front Line Report
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Latest Top News(vol.150220)
(最新ニュース 27件)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45425(1/27)

○原発事故民事責任法は修正せず:政府(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45426(2/27)

○印度政府表明将不会修改"核损害民事责任法"(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45427(3/27)
◆India pivotal in unfolding new global relationship

【New Delhi】The US is "primed to unlock" the potential of relations with India as part of its rebalance to Asia and the Pacific. US President Barack Obama sees India as a central pivot in unfolding new relationship between global powers.
○NYT editorial slams Modi
○India's nuclear liability law will not be amended: govt(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45428(4/27)

○政府、国防機器の国産化促進のため機構強化(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45429(5/27)

○政府加强兵器局从而加速国防设备的国产化(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45430(6/27)
◆PM Modi may use military option if terror attack traced to Pakistan: Ex-US Ambassador

【Washington】Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to use the military option if the next terrorist attack in India is traced back to Pakistan, a former top US diplomat has warned while hoping that the Pakistanis would understand that their past behaviour is unlikely to be tolerated now.
○Govt to strength ordinance board for indigenisation(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45431(7/27)

【ニューデリー】インドの経済政策立案作業に全国の州政府を巻き込むことを目指し、前身の『計画委員会(Planning Commission of India)』を再編し、新たに組織された『インド改造全国企画評議会(NITI Aayog:National Institution for Transforming India Aayog)』の執行委員会初会合が2月8日にニューデリーで催され、ナレンドラ・モディ首相は会議の席上、各州の首席大臣(Chief Ministers)および連邦直轄地知事(Lt. Governors)に、2015−16年度予算案、国家旗艦計画、およびインフラストラクチャー・プロジェクトに対する意見を求めた。
○首相、学校トイレのアップグレード指示(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45432(8/27)

【新徳里】"改革印度全国学会(National Institution for Transforming India Aayog,簡稱NITI 学会)"的第一次会议于2月8日在新徳里被举办。NITI 学会是印度联邦政府的一个政策智囊团,它的目的是将全国各州卷入制定国家政策活动,并取代原有得"计划委员会(Planning Commission of India)"。纳伦徳拉·莫迪总理在会议上,寻求全国各州首席部长和副总督对2015-16年度财政预算案以及旗舰计划和基础设施项目的意见。
○莫迪总理呼吁利用假期在学校建设厕所(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45433(9/27)
◆Modi chairs NITI Aayog Governing Council meet

【New Delhi】The first meeting of Governing Council of National Institute for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog, a policy think-tank of Union Government of India that replaces Planning Commission of India and aims to involve the states in economic policy-making in India, was held in New Delhi on the 8th of February. At the meeting, Prime Minister Narendra Modi sought the views of Chief Ministers and Lt. Governors on Budget 2015-16, flagship schemes and infrastructure projects.
○Modi assures Centre will move away from 'one size fits all' schemes
○PM promises states more funds, greater utilisation powers
○Vacation an opportunity to build toilets in schools:PM to CMs(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45434(10/27)

【ニューデリー】アルビンド・ケジリワル氏に率いられる大衆党(AAP:Aam Aadmi Party)は2月10日、デリー州議会選挙において70議席中67議席を獲得、圧勝した。2014年5月の国会下院選挙で同州の6議席を席巻したインド人民党(BJP:Bharatiya Janata Party)は、僅か3議席、2013年まで連続3期にわたり同州政権の座にあった国民会議派(Indian National Congress)はゼロ議席にとどまった。
○AAP勝利の明白な理由と知られざる理由(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45435(11/27)

【新徳里】阿文徳·科基瓦尔领导的大众党(AAP:Aam Aadmi Party)于2月10日开票的徳里州选举中获得压倒性胜利,在70名构成徳里州议会中获得67个席位,再次夺取该州政权。结果,在2014年国会下院大选时,夺取该州全6个议席的印度人民党(BJP:Bharatiya Janata Party)仅获得3个议席,甚至于到2013年为止连续3期掌握该州政权的印度国民大会党(Indian National Congress)一个议席也没有。
○大众党胜利的明确和不那么明确的原因(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45436(12/27)
◆AAP ki sarkar: Kejriwal rules Delhi

【New Delhi】The Arvind Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi Party on the 10th February swept to power with 67 seats in the 70-member Delhi Assembly, leaving only three to the Bharatiya Janata Party which had won all seven Lok Sabha seats in May 2014 and nil to the Congress which had been in power for three consecutive terms in the State until 2013.
○Kejriwal, Naidu discuss Delhi's development
○For AAP, changing perception was bigger challenge than BJP
○The obvious and not-so-obvious reasons for AAP victory(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45437(13/27)

【パトナ】ビハール州議会与党人民党統一派(JDU:Janata Dal United)は2月7日、Sharad Yadav総裁(party President)により招集された会議の席上、Jitan Ram Manjhi氏に替えてNitish Kumar氏を新首席大臣に指名する方針を決めた。
○JDU、党内紛はBJPの策謀と避難(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45438(14/27)

【巴特那】尼蒂什·库马尔先生在2月7日,在新人民党(JDU:Janata Dal United)总裁沙拉徳·亚达夫为了替换现任比哈尔州首席部长吉丹·拉姆·曼吉而召开的会议上,被选为该州执政党JDU的领袖。
○新人民党指责印度人民党密谋分裂该党(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45439(15/27)
◆Bihar in flux as CM recommends dissolution, the party elects new CM

【Patna】Nitish Kumar was on the 7th of February elected as Leader of the Janata Dal United, or JD(U) Legislature Party at a meeting called by party President Sharad Yadav to replace Jitan Ram Manjhi as Chief Minister of Bihar.
○JDU accuses BJP of trying to engineer split within party(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45440(16/27)

【ニューデリー】ナレンドラ・モディ首相は、通信省に対し、野心的『全国光ファイバー網(NOFN:National Optical Fibre Network)』計画の適時遂行を確保するよう指示した。同計画の進捗状況は来月検討に付される。
○国営電話会社2社BSNL/MTNL、共に周波数域入札不参加(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45441(17/27)

【新徳里】纳伦徳拉·莫迪总理已经向电信部指示确保及时执行雄心勃勃的全国光网(NOFN:National Optical Fibre Network)项目。NOFN的进展将在下个月被审查。
○两间国营电话企业BSNL和MTNL都不参加电信频谱拍卖(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45442(18/27)
◆PM Modi seeks timely implementation of NOFN project

【New Delhi】Prime Minister Narendra Modi has asked the Telecom Ministry to ensure timely implementation of the ambitious nationwide broadband project, NOFN, the progress of which would be reviewed next month.
○Spectrum auction may increase call charges
○BSNL, MTNL not to participate in upcoming spectrum auction(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45443(19/27)

【ニューデリー】インド電気通信監督局(TRAI:Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)の最新レポートによると、インドの電話契約総数は2014年12月末に過去最高の9億7000万を記録した。
○サムスン、インド携帯端末市場トップの座に陰り:CMR(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45444(20/27)

【新徳里】据印度电信管理局(TRAI:Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)发表的最新数据,印度的电话订户到2014年12月底为止达到历来最高水平9亿7000万人。
○三星在印度手机市场的领导地位被动摇(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45445(21/27)
◆Telecom subscriber base reaches all-time high at 97 crore

【New Delhi】Telecom subscriber base of the country reached all-time high of 97 crore at the end of December 2014, as per the latest report by regulator TRAI.
○Samsung leads India mobile phone market, but losing grip: CMR(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45446(22/27)

【ニューデリー】インド政府は、国営銀行(PSB:public sector banks)の資本基盤を強化し、国際リスク基準に準拠する狙いから2014−15年度予算に組み込まれた1120億ルピーの予算枠の第一回分として、近く699億ルピーをPSB9行に注入する。
○中銀、限界貸出金利通じ納税需要に伴う流動性逼迫を緩和(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45447(23/27)

【新徳里】政府已从2014-15年度预算中拨1120亿卢比提高公共部门银行(PSB:public sector banks)的资本水准以满足全球风险规范。公共部门的9间银行将不久被注入699亿卢比做为上述预算措施的第一批。
○央行用"边际贷款工具"向银行系统注入资金(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45448(24/27)
◆Govt to infuse Rs 6,990 cr in public sector banks

【New Delhi】The government will soon infuse R6,990 crore in nine public sector banks (PSBs) as the first tranche of capital infusion for which the government has allocated Rs. 11,200 crore in the Budget for 2014-15 to enhance their capital and to meet global risk norms.
○RBI conducts liquidity operations on Saturday to tackle outflows(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45449(25/27)

○『聖霊のバプテスマ』とは一体何か(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45450(26/27)

○"圣灵的施洗"是什么概念?(...Read more)
2015-02-20 ArtNo.45451(27/27)
◆Review:18 types of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit

 Jesus, who had started to baptize with The Holy Spirit in the countryside of Jerusalem, moved the base of his activity to Capernaum in Galilee after an argument had developed between Jesus' disciples and the followers of John the Baptist.
○Five small barley loaves and two small fish
○The true bread from heaven
○18 types of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit
○Zhaozhou's spirit
○The type of "FenYang's classification"
○What is "Baptism with The Holy Spirit"?(...Read more)
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