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Sabtu, 20 November 2010


b8ikm4rfv.faraz.sir.farazpower@blogger.com Y+our age, activity-, genes, and psy'chologi,cal makeup 'determine 'your predis,position to ex.tra weight!, Th.e more you k-now about yo_ur medication b.efore 'taking .it the better for' you! Beli*eve me-! Many peopl,e be-lieve that t+hey shou.ld only ge,t help when the' pain is .becoming unbe+arable.. Your risk o.f develo_ping da_ngerous cholest_erol le-vel increases *as yo+u get olde*r. Watch out! _Men have l_ess ch,ance to build a -relati'onship with th,eir doct*or or nur'se as the,y nev-er visit them. A+sthma was* depicted as, a disease. rather tha'n a symptom* by t-he English ch_emi'st Thomas Willis ,Even g,entle antib+iotics,' given fo.r a short +period of time_, can occ-asionall_y lead to this p-roblem. Be'st doctors _al over +the *world use antib*iotic,s to treat_ their patients'_ bacteri'al infections. .Quite ,often women' over the age_ o_f 55 tend+ to have higher blo*od choles-tero'l levels. than men. When y_ou eat more -c+alories than your b,ody nee_ds, you *tend to gain' weight! -Are you ready- fo_r it? Fighting o*besity rem.ember, that _lo'osing weight _too quick_ly is no goo,d! Don't- get too kee*n. Antibi+otics can ki_ll mo*st of the b*acteria i.n your body +that are se*nsitive .to them. _Good and bad. In additi.on to no_isy and rapid br+eat+hing, asth+ma in kids can c*ause. frequent coug.hing sp*ells. Obesity rat_es of A_frican-Am'erican girls a*re the fas,test growin-g amon_g any group. in the USA.+ Lit,tle kids. with serious d.iseases -. it is very s,ad,_ but it often *happens. Try' new a*llergy reli*ef. A person* may have a*ll asthm'a symptoms at +once l-ike: breath sho'rt.ness, cou.ghing & whe'ezing. There .are no_ magic foods or 'drinks that- ca_n help you ove.rcome obes_ity. But .there is one. medi,cine! I know what ,you nee+d to stop _impotenc'e playing dirt_y t,ricks on your se*xual life,. dude! I*n the Uni_ted States, +more -than twenty, two million *people are know_n to ha_ve asth,ma. Learni_ng to take r'elaxing de*ep breaths wh-en' you feel +stressed ca.n halt your as_thma attack. .Pleas,ure for both p_artners _comes in, many forms and- can be, achieved in a, great v.arie'ty of way's! Your ris,k of high ch*olesterol incr.eases if+ a fa,ther or brother wa,s affect-ed by heart ,disease. O*ne size fi-ts all do+es n_ot apply to* painki,llers. Never s,hare y_our prescript'ion drug 'with anyon*e. Best doctors a.l over _the world use+ anti.biotics t'o treat 'their patient_s' bact_erial infections., A.ntibiotics ar*en't smart enoug_h- to destroy only _the bad bac-te-ria. You s-hould be very at-tenti_ve! Skin allerg-ies al+one account fo+r mor-e than 7 million- outp-atient visits ea+ch year the* Un_ited States. Low' self-este_em, .guilt, emotio.nal stress, or+ traum,a can- lead to overeatin*g resultin'g in ob_esity. I_f normal life' for yo-u means on-ly life wit+hout allergy, *th.an this medicat,ion i.s created for ,you. Bicy*cle riding,_ in moderati+on, do+es not a_ffect erecti+le functio*ning. But it's no+t absolute.ly -safe. Tak*e care! Dieta-ry cholesterol+ comes mai,nly f+rom meat, poult'ry,, fish, and d,airy prod-ucts. Since, pa'inki-llers are use.d as medicine -the,y cannot _be banned like th-e other leth*al drugs.* Di'seases associat-ed with incre,ased, risk of erecti,le dysfunct'ion inc_lude diabetes. & kid.ney disease. T'oo much _chol_esterol in_ your body i.s a major f'actor for* heart disease. .Thi,nk about it, m-an! Anyone c'an get ,into an *allergy ri'sk group. M-ake sure yo*u know enou*gh about a.ntihistam-ines. Men shou,ld n,ot attemp't intercourse- if they_ are not in ,the mo*od because it c,an affect pot'ency. Hav'e you ev-er trie.d anything m-ore effective -th'an this bra_nd-new su'per effect-ive antibio,tic? Erectile d-ysf'unction may be* caused by phy.sical -factors_, psycholog+ical facto*rs or by medicat+ions. I c.an not fi*nd the *time for exe_rcising a_nd cooking +healthy food._ But I .hope I, will never get o,be.se! Taking medic*ations' in order _to stay slim & h-ealthy is n+ot that. stupid 'as it may see*m, believe m-e! Obesity* -is not only the _reaso*n why you look -ugly,* it may also cause+ serious p.roblems w,ith h.ealth. Acc-urate dosage 'and d'octor's s+upervision is vita_l in+ pain managemen,t! Act re*spons+ibly! There are n+o unknow'n asthma sym'ptoms,, but people st-ill g-et caug'ht by surp-rise. Watch out! S'edenta+ry people _burn fe.wer calor_ies than peo_ple who st'ay active all the'ir lif*e. It,'s about obesit,y! Did you k-now th,at the _number of obese ch'ildren_ has ne*arly doubl_ed over the past_ 20, years. The ri'sk of anti,biotic associat-e*d diarrhea rise's with h_ow often and. how l'ong the drug is *taken. Wome+n ,suffer from ob+esity ,just as oft'en as men do, *but they' get dep_ressed much more 'ofte_n. Stomac,h upset, nause_a, and di.arrhea are- the most co-mmon s,ide effects of ,antibi-otic treatment.- Conte*mporary environ*ment s s_o pollute-d, that aller*gies 'are observe-d more and- more' often. Overweight, & ob.esity 're* defined as abnor.mal or exc.essive_ fat accum-ulation that i'mpair 'health. The_ higher_ your blood+ cholesterol* level, t.he greater, your risk +for d'eveloping. heart disease!*!! When+ you eat 'more calorie_s than your ,body *can consume yo,u start- growing fa+t or become .obese. Did y-ou know that- the n*umber of obe_se ch,ildren has near'ly double*d over th'e past 20 'years. Someti'mes, an-tibiotics -destroy the *good bac.teria tha,t you need* to aid in d,igestion'. Watch o'ut! Feeling _tired or havi,ng .concerns about anyt+hing+ can affect th_e degree* of a man's, potency. .If you have, ear_ly warning_ signs or symp-toms, you- shoul,d take more a-sthma medicatio'n.+ The more obe'se a man is,_ the more l'ikely. they're to +have medica-l problems, related to o*besit*y. Antibio,tics will n-ot cure viral il,lnesse-s, such as: co+l-ds or flu, mo.st coughs a*nd bronchitis.. Antibi_otics must be' taken fo,r the* full amount_ of time pre*scri'bed by you'r doctor. Watch _out! I h-ate my* extra weigh_t but I can not 'get rid' of it, no +matte_r what I try. I am' read,y for su-rgery now! Co,uld the -next craze b*e, qui'te litera-lly, nuts? A stud.y concl*uded that- nuts lower ,choleste'rol. Whe'n there is to_o much ch*olesterol in .your blood', it buil.ds up in the .walls o,f your arteri.es.- Asthma occurring* ,during the_ nighttime eve+n if mild +is considered +dan,gerous as it ca-uses* death. Obesity rel,ated de*aths are. second o_nly to smokin+g. Think' twice 'when you _decide to have c.ake! As.thmatics hav-ing severe -or near-f.atal asth*ma attacks are* likely to -have fata-l asthma *attacks. Ast+hm.a is more comm'on in African_ Amer.ican chil'dren than i.n white chil*dren, ,for some reas*on. Ma'ny people _report nausea ,and sometim-es vomiting, after tak*ing strong p,ain re+lief medica*tions., This type* of antibiotic nat-urally .turned c,ontemporar_y phar.macy upside. down. You sh*ould try,! Obesity cause.s significa-nt h+ealth problem*s. What would .you -choose:, ice cream or he'alth? Smoke i_s a powerf.ul trigge.r of asthm'a symptoms*. Take. care of the ai,r you bre_athe in+! Whe+n there is too much- cholester.ol in your. blo-od, it builds* up in. the wal*ls of your *arteries. What *antib+iotics are meant f*or is -effective' bacterial inf'ections _treatment_. Did you kno+w that? +Do you know w,hic.h foods make up a+ l*ow-cholesterol di'et? We can_ s,hare some k'nowledge! Neglec.ting ,medical advice yo'u+ can also turn a' minor heal_th pro,blem into a s'erio+us concern. Erecti,ons o_ccur durin*g normal, -nightly sleepin+g. Th+ese erecti,ons are -not related -to erotic dreams-. Test -know, your cholesterol 'becaus,e lowerin_g it lessens t+he risk f-or deve'loping heart .dis'ease! About 80% of. the- body's c,holesterol is pr'oduc*ed by the live*r, & the, rest comes fro'm o+ur diet. Ast+hma affec'ts more and m.ore people e+very year.+ Do you know, how to .act 'iĆ  you fac_e it? Freq-uent stress a,nd ten*sion is not good f-or peopl*e who suf_fer fr*om severe asthma a,ttacks_. The ris'k of a+ntibiotic associate*d diarrhe-a ri,ses with how ofte_n an+d how long +the drug is ta'ken+. Obesity's pro_bably the o'nly dis.ease that ca+n be +caused by negati,ve e+motions onl,y. Be ve_ry careful! O_besity -causes sign+ificant health pr,oblems. But+ you aren*'t in dan+ger if your- eating+ mode is hea+lthy! Fo,r kids who 'are ov.erweight w+eight man+agement is the p'rimary *treatme'nt for cholesterol-. You ha-ve a 6% c-hance o_f having. asthma if neither_ pa+rent has t.he conditi+on. Are you p_rotected? Im-proper use. of ant,ibiotics can be, mor,e harmful than h_el.pful. Be very atte,n,tive taking it! D-o you .have any probl,ems with sex*? They a'll can be- solv.ed forever with _one singl,e pill o*f… If y-our pain .improves, _you can som'etimes be pre'scribed a 'milder pai_nkille-r than you take.. Rememb-er, the most -general. side-ef-fects of ant'ibiotics i-nclude nausea,+ dia-rrhoea and etc_. It'+s all about ultim-ate masculi_ne at*tractiveness an.d se+xual perf,ormance! Learn m*ore no_w! High b*lood cho'lesterol i,s one of the 'major ris.k factors +for hear.t disease. Learn m.or_e now! Asthma oc-cur*ring during the 'nighttime ev'en *if mild i-s considered dan.gerous as it ,causes -death. Scot'tish scie,ntist, Alexa-nder Fle-ming_, discovere'd the first an*tibiotic, p*enicil,lin, in 1928. Do' yo+u know that- nausea may +be redu-ced if painki'llers are taken_ wit.h a meal or a_ glass of -milk,? Your penis let- you down* for the fi.rst time? Don+'t panic! -The ans'wer to all qu.es,tions is here! ,Listen, 107. million, or, 1 in 5 _adults in o,ur+ country, ,has cholestero.l leve,ls above 20'0 mg/dL. Ha*y fever suf,ferers shoul_d wash hair_ at n,ight to remo,ve any pollen- and keep *away from be_d. 'Asthma together 'with al+lergy is one_ of th.e most common 'health pr*oblems in th,e Uni'ted States. Peopl*e w,ho get aller-gic sympt-oms during the w.i'nter season ,may be al,lergic to mol,d spores. Ju*st how m_uch of a risk, do certa-in food all_ergens pos.e in cla-ssrooms,_ cafeterias, on -school *ground? _If you're tired+ of co,unting ev+ery single ,calorie, t_ry out our ne+w -obesity trea,tment medication.. A more ef'fective do+se or a+ dif,ferent drug ca_n be used 'if you d+ose is not e*nough to _stop pa-in. Someti_mes antibiotics may_ cause s.tomach ups-ets-, diarrhea, ye'ast infectio_ns or other+ prob-lems. Ob+esity ofte.n tends to come b*ack after y,our tr-eatment p,eriod is over-. Pay attent_ion to y,our f+ood! Someti'mes antibio'tics ma*y cause stomach ups_ets,+ diarrhea,. yeast infect+ions or othe*r problem_s. For un+known -reasons, the -incidence_ of ast,hma in children is_ st_eadily increasi_ng. Take car'e! A, list of som'e "useful food_s" have sh_own t,o make a big i_mpact on +your cholest-erol 'levels. T_he medicine yo*u will s.ee in .this letter h'as saved my .marriage fr-om collaps-e! It's am-azing! O-verweight a.nd obesity- are the ni-ghtmares th-at frigh_ten half t'he peopl_e all ove'r the wor.ld, friend.. Many times, p+atients wil'l stop th+e use of a-n antibiotic' w_hen they feel bet,ter. I,t's wr.ong! Super bact_eria easi,ly resis-t the first li-ne of d*efense from ant*ibiotic+s like amoxi,cillin and o-ther. Ther_e .are no mag,ic foods or+ drinks .that can hel.p you overc+ome obesi+ty. But th'ere is one m'edicin-e! Innovative, medicati-on has been intr_oduced rece.ntly and .no a-sthmatics are _given a+ 2nd chance. I_t's all abou+t u+ltimate mascu_line attrac,tivene+ss and sex,ual perform*ance! Lea*rn more now! I-n fac-t, obesity incre.ases you'r risk of dev,eloping d.iseases and- even dea.th. And- that's n*ot all. If 'you ar*e not satisfied wit,h *your weight. remember, there'.r+e many succ_essful ways to t-reat obesity-! A+lthough the littl'e blue. pill ha.s made many -a man happy, .there. are new d,rugs on the ma.rket.. I will never ,buy anoth,er antibioti_c because th_i.s one has proved i*ts effici.ency. It's 'the b-est! Yo,u cannot out'grow asthma., The symptoms,_ however, m.ay reoccu'r anytime. in ad.ulthood,. About 95 per cen-t o_f children wi*th persisten.t asthma st-ill ,have symptoms into* their +adult*hood. If -you experience r'epeated coug*hing spells,, an_d your breath-ing i+s noisy it may- be asthma.* There is n-o secret in_ this 'drug. It ,simply drives a'll your pro_blems* with sex+ and potency!- Have you ev'er tr'ied anythin'g more effectiv+e .than this bran,d-new ,super effect+ive antibiotic?_ One ,bacterium with a+ muta*tion can -survive the ant*ibi+otic and repr,oduces millio+ns more. 'I know ever*yth'ing about world *most pop-ular medicat,ions_ for impoten+ce treatm,ent! When it *seems that ther'e+ is no hope, .look arou.nd. Someone is re.ady to g,ive you a ha-nd! Our en.vir+onmental situa,tion often -causes .numerous *allergies' in people. of all ages an+d r'aces. I know every'thin,g about world m,ost popul*ar m*edications for i_mpoten.ce treatment!. There're *many effecti.ve p_ainkillers f-or all pain .types .& there's n'o reason to+ suffer u.nnecessarily.. Paci.fic men and women .are_ 2 times more+ likely to be o+bese tha,n men and. women in th'e world. W*e don't 'know wha.t it me-ans to suffer +from asth.ma but we know 'how to hel,p these p+eople. You- shoul+d never consid'er weight.-lo'ss surgery to be 'the only ch,ance to _conquer' your obesity-. It is usu.ally possibl-e to -manage pet al+ler'gies without gett'ing rid o+f you*r cat or dog! Read- more! ,The amou-nt of total +fat a child -consumes s-hould be+ 30% or- less of dail,y total. food cal_ories. Studies s_how that _pers_istent pain c,auses -changes in the br_ain and *spinal_ cord causi'ng more pain. The,re is no c.ure f_or ast'hma, but the diseas+e c'an be control*led in mos-t patient+s with good c*are. +Absolutel-y new medicat.ion for effecti've indoor .and outdo*or, allergy sy.mptoms treatment! _R+ecognizing+ these signs,, you can stop an+ a,sthma attack or_ prev+ent one fro+m getting +worse. Those w+ho refuse+ medications* desp-ite being in seve,re pai+n are* putting themsel.ves at ri_sk. If you are* one of 'our, subscribed custom-er+s don't miss your g*reat o.pportunit'ies! Air pollu+ti*on in contempo'rary megalop+olises is. so polluted t'h*at people of-ten catch a'llergies. T_eenagers ofte-n use pai+nkillers -to get high,, to' party, to escape+ real,ity or to reliev_e bor'edom. Eat mo're pla_nt-based foods or* try +top quality obes,ity dr,ugs to lose t+he w+eight tha,t spoils your li_fe! My di-et and p-hysical acti_vity .choices are r'esponsible +for my* cholesterol le+vel, a'nd yours? *If you are ov_erweight, you .may have_ inherite*d it-, because it ,has a str'ong genetic c'omponent. .Though asth'ma sympto*ms vary, the,y inc-lude coughing,, wheezing &t*ig,ht feeling in the c_he,st. If you *suffer from .hay fever av.oid common- irritants+ like tobacco- smoke,. auto+mobile exhau'st. In the ,United. States, more t,han twen+ty two mill+ion people a_re known 'to have as,thma. Cho_colate can be' giv.en to asthmati,cs du_ring an acute .exacerbatio_n if no +treatment is ava+ilabl_e. It's vita*lly import+ant to tre-at asthma s'ymp_toms when -you first notice. them._ Take good car+e! This* month we pr_ovide huge. discoun-ts for our best- antib+iotics so_ you can sa,ve a lot. buying it! 'Antibio_tics will not_ cure viral ,illn_esses, such. as: cold, ,stomach flu* and some ear .infections! bactizit+h Betnovat*e (B+etamethasone, B*etameth.asone Vale'rate, celestone*) Sp'irulina Cap,sules amitri-ptyline Anth-elm,intic intestinal_ bl'ockage Himcos+paz Hangover +Pills _rockit247 Cozaa,r [cozaa'r] (Lo_sartan) Soma (C-arisopro+dol, Sanoma,+ Carisoma, 'pain-, carispr_odal, muscle, relaxer, mus.cle rela'xant, van+adom) Dy-sthymia Zero- Nicotine -[zeronicot'ine] Atopex [ato_pex] (cyclo'sporin, at*opica, c-yclosporin.e, Ciclo.spori+n) Neem — Ski,n Health, +Detoxification,' Blood Pu,rificatio+n Diet Maxx V+ytori.n (Ezetimib,e/Simvas+tatin, In+egy) Dro,ntal Allwormer *For C*ats [dronta+lforcat's] (Pyrante_l Pamoate, Prazi*qua,ntel) Z Zad-itor — Allergy, Al.lergic Co'njun,ctivitis, +Itchy Eyes Vyt*orin (Ez*etimibe,/Simvastat+in, Inegy) Hist-oplasmosis+ dr_ontal allwormer for_ c,ats Atopex — Pe+ts, Atopic De_rmatitis *In Dogs T_inea Cr_uris dy*spepsia blood pre_ssur.e medi-firs,t hydrocor+tisone otibac-t Piloc+arpine Eye Drop's (salage+n, isop_to, pi+lopine, pil.ocar) Ursodiol [ur's'odiol] doneu+rin persa.ntin intestinal b_lockage .Biliary .Cirrhosis ri-macill,in primid+one Cyclo+sporine Eye Drops (+restas_is) Ul-tram (Tramadol, A_dolan, Ana_dol, C-ontramal,+ tramadal, Dolo.l, Dol*zam, D.romadol, Ixprim', Ralivia, Tr_am-adex, Tramal, Tr,idural, Z_amado-l, Zydol, Zytr+im, pain, ult_racet) ma-norfen Azor _— +High Blood Pres+sure, Hy_pertension , Micard_is (Telmisarta,n, Pr,itor, Kinza_l, Telma, *Telday, Teleact 'D, mycardi+s) Hangov_er Pil*ls [hangover.pills] metico+r+ten Sodium Rete-ntion Bull,ous Dermatitis* Herpet*iformis_ Bael moval*is topical lido-caine V-,Gel ch-ronic bro+nchitis Candidia+si+s Nimotop (Ni_modipine) l_eft ventricul-ar hypertr.ophy +Levitra _— Erectile Dy+sfunction., Erectio*n Propec_ia — Hair Loss, Mal.e Patter+n B+aldness, A.ndrogenetic Alopeci'a mestinon' Lotrison+e (clotri-mazo'le, betamethasone+) swelling+ volt-arol sr be,rlactone IOP -Diclo-fenac — Pain+, Arthritis,_ Spo*ndylitis, J.oint Stiff+ness, Joint _Swelling _persantin D.imenhydrin_ate (Dr,amamine) [dimenhy'drinate_] (Dramamine, D'riminate,, Gravol-, Gravami'n, Vomex, Ve_rtirosan) M'irap,ex — Parkinso-n's Disease,- Res,tless Legs Syndr+ome d_ilantin skin i+nfections Atar*ax — Anx.iety, Al,lergy,, Sedation movo_x poldoxin -prin_ivil REM A.gain (sleeping *aid, s*leep aid, s.leeping p*ills, sleepaid) Ma_legra D+XT (*Sildenafil + Dulox.etine) (.silde*nafil citrate, ,duloxetine_, viagra,, cymbalta, y.entreve) Xo+penex (Le_vosalbuta,mol, levalbut_ero'l, Levolin) lox.apine- Psychotic Dis+orders ,ultram .er Anti-Stress traz*alon' micohe'x shampoo .Protektor Spray (F-rontl_ine, fipronil) ,real -one finast Tendo-ni-tis Diarex Pe'nis Growth Pa+ck (Pil_ls + Oil,) [penisgrowt,hpack]* Cialis J.elly [cialisjelly.] '(apcalis, tadalafil+) sep+ticemia Li+thium —* Depression, B.ipolar Diso*rder, Mania,, Manic* Depression An-ticonvuls'ant Mult,iple Sc+lerosis Cell'Cept — Or_gan Trans_plantation,_ Rejection' Preventi-on, Trans,plant Tonsill-itis leukemia 'anovul,ation Pneum*onia levoflo_xaci'n reactine Dermat,om+yositis Phenerg_an — All'ergy, Allergi*c Rhini_tis, Vasom'otor Rhinitis, A_lle'rgic Conjunctiv'itis,- Urticaria, Angio-edema,, Dermatograph,ism, Sed_ative, Sleep _Aid, Na'usea, Motio_n Sickn_ess Zero +Nicotine — S*moking, -Smoking Ce.ssation dan_azol fungus imm-unomod-ulator Inder,al [inder+al] (Propran.ol*ol, Inderal LA, Avl'ocard'yl, Deral,in, Doci,ton, Inderalic,i, InnoPran X.L, *Sumial, Anapr-ilinum) Oph'thacare Eye D,rops c.efixime ay-ur slim wei,ght regulat-or Eye Swelli-ng _Ceftin (Cef'uroxime,. Zinacef, B-acticef, 'Cefasun, Cefud'ura, Cefu'hexal, Cef'urax, Cefuti*l, Cetil,, Froxim.e, Elobact, O_raxim, Zinna-t) Gastroeso_phage-al Reflux Di.sease, Karela phe,nhydan Peritonit+is Avandame*t [avandam,et]+ (Metformin/Ros,iglitazone') hepati,tis b Fib_rositis allosig* Viagra -Professional- +— Erectile Dysf.unction, M-ale Enhan.cement, Ere*ction, Im'potence a,lfuzosin Singul,air (Monte.luka,st, singular) Y'erba+ Diet (weig-ht loss,_ diet pills) se.izures glus.tin _suprax Alesse ('Ovral L) [ale-ss,e] (Levonorges-trel/*Ethinyl Estradio.l, b.irth control, ov,ral) c-anditral -slimfast 'diltiazem ointm'ent glucon*orm Seroquel *— Sch+izophrenia, Bipo'l-ar Disorder, *Mania, Antip_sychotic, In'somnia, An'xiety*, Bipolar *Depression* pripsen +Chloramphenicol — +Infe,ctions, Antib.iotic- pulmicort hemoly_tic 'anemia U Ultimat'e Cial.is Pac'k (Cialis + C-ialis Soft 'Tabs + Cia'lis Oral Jelly)* (tada,lafil+, cialis) B*oniva — Osteopo'rosis,+ Bone prot.ection, Osteoporo*s*is prevent,ion, Osteo'porosis tre*atment capecitab+ine Eat'ing Disorder .Viagra Ora,l Jelly (Sil*dena.fil, viagra je,lly) sero*pram dil-atrend mobicox .probe'necid lipvas Vy+torin [v_ytorin] *(Ezetimibe/.Simvastatin+, Inegy) Ac+iph*ex (Rabeprazole,+ Pariet, Rab,let) Acai* Natu.ral Energ,y Boost [a,caienergyboost'] (acai) ant*ie,metic otitis ,externa

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