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Selasa, 06 April 2010

Email dari iCPNS - Lowongan Resident Auditor Bank Muamalat Indonesia

Email dari iCPNS - Lowongan Resident Auditor Bank Muamalat Indonesia

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Lowongan Resident Auditor Bank Muamalat Indonesia

Posted: 06 Apr 2010 04:25 AM PDT

PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk was established in 24 Rabius Tsani 1412 H or November 1, 1991, endorsed by the Indonesian Council of Ulemas (MUI) and the Government of Indonesia. Up until year-end 2004, Bank Muamalat remained the leading sharia (Islamic) bank in the country. Currently we are looking for young dynamic, self motivated and dedicated persons to fill following position:

Resident Auditor


  • Max. 35 years old

TJB Power Service Job Vacancy

Posted: 05 Apr 2010 01:44 PM PDT

PT. TJB Power Services in the business of Operation and Maintenance of Tanjung Jati B 2X660MW Coal Fired Power Plant in Indonesia, we are looking for:

Secretary - Jepara


  • Responsible to handle and support office management activities which is include but not limited to customer services, correspondences, archiving, filing, document handling and tracking, event arrangement, minute of meeting, appointment and others support functions

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