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Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

Email dari iCPNS - Hess Apprenticeship Program Vacancy

Email dari iCPNS - Hess Apprenticeship Program Vacancy

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Hess Apprenticeship Program Vacancy

Posted: 04 Feb 2010 01:03 AM PST

Hess is a rapidly growing oil and gas company with an independent spirit and a passion for developing people. We invest in the best Indonesia talents and provide them with the total package of rewards and challenges. Hess is now providing the opportunity for fresh graduates in Indonesia to gain valuable work experience through the Hess 6 month Apprenticeship Program. If you are someone with a strong drive for result and individual initiative, then come join us on this rewarding journey.

  • Graduated from University (within July 2009 to March 2010)
  • Hold Bachelor Degree with education background : Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Finance/Accounting, Petroleum Engineering, G&G, Management/Psychology, Law
  • GPA Minimum 2.75
  • Good in English (written and spoken)

Bakrie Pipe Management Trainee Vacancy

Posted: 03 Feb 2010 01:56 AM PST

PT. Bakrie Pipe Industries is the first steel pipe producer in Indonesia to use Electric Resistance Welding to produce pipes from 0.5 inches to 24 inches in diameter and from 1.5 mm to 12.7 mm in thickness. PT. Bakrie Pipe Industries has succeeded in positioning itself as a leader in its field, both in the domestic and international market. Currently we are looking for skilled candidates to be placed as an Engineer through the Management Trainee Program with the following criteria:



  • S1 Engineer Majoring in : Electro, Mechanical, Industrial, Mekatronik, Metallurgy
  • Age max 27 years
  • English fluent (Toefl score min 525)
  • Fresh graduate
  • Mastering computer minimal Ms.Office
  • Healthy body
  • Passed Test Selection

Bank Muamalat MODP Vacancy

Posted: 03 Feb 2010 01:08 AM PST

Bank Muamalat Indonesia the leading sharia (Islamic) bank in the countrys is looking for young dynamic, self motivated and dedicated persons to fill following position:

Muamalat Officer Development Program (MODP)


  • Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) from any discipline
  • GPA: Public University = 2.75 and Private University = 3.00
  • Maximum 27 years old
  • Good knowledge of Basic Islamic Comprehension and Sharia Banking
  • Proficient in written and spoken English is a must with EPT/TOEFL score min. 500
  • Computer literate (min. MS Office)
  • Proactive, full of initiative and able to work efficiently and cooperatively within a Team Environment
  • Highly motivated, discipline, and able to work under pressure with minimum supervision
  • Excellent Communication and Interpersonal Skill
  • Fresh Graduate are welcome (preferred)
  • No family Relationship with Bank Muamalat Employees and Board of Director
  • Willing to be placed around Indonesia.

Lowongan Astra Honda Motor

Posted: 03 Feb 2010 12:41 AM PST

PT Astra Honda Motor adalah perusahaan manufakturing & distribusi sepeda motor terbesar di Indonesia, dengan jumlah karyawan lebih dari 10.000 orang. Sesuai dengan visi perusahaan, PT. Astra Honda Motor selalu berupaya untuk menyediakan solusi mobilitas terbaik yang mampu memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen dengan sistem manajemen kelas dunia.
Menghadapi tantangan pasar sepeda motor di Indonesia yang semakin ketat, PT. Astra Honda Motor membutuhkan sumber daya manusia yang kreatif, kompetitif, dan inovatif. Untuk itu PT. Astra Honda Motor membuka kesempatan berkarir di perusahaan manufaktur tingkat dunia dengan sistem karir yang Internally Fair dan Externally Competitive.

Interior & Exterior Analyst (MKT-IEA)

Gambaran Pekerjaan

  • Melaksanakan perencanaan proyek yang terkait dengan interior dan exterior showroom dan gudang dealer dan main dealer.
  • Merancang dan mendesain showroom, dan gudang untuk dealer dan main dealer
  • Melakukan sosialisasi, dan monitoring pelaksanaan project di dealer dan main dealer

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