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Rabu, 16 September 2015

SEAnews:India Front Line Report September 16, 2015 (WED) No.3898

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India Front Line Report
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Latest Top News(vol.150916)
(最新ニュース 27件)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45476(1/27)

○開発こそ唯一の目標:首相(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45477(2/27)

○发展是我们的唯一目标:莫迪总理(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45478(3/27)
◆PM. Modi lines up mega events for Silicon Valley Trip

【New Delhi】Prime Minister Narendra Modi will take his 'Startup India, Stand Up India' call to the Silicon Valley later this month, showcasing success stories of India's entrepreneurship to the Mecca of technology and startups.
○Development our sole aim: Modi(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45479(4/27)

○ファッション・デザイナーなどいない:首相(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45480(5/27)

○我没有时装设计师;莫迪(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45481(6/27)
◆PM Modi highlights India's Buddhist heritage

【New Delhi】Narendra Modi government is hosting a conference on 'Global Hindu-Buddhist Initiative' on conflict avoidance with an eye on leveraging its soft power as it looks to promote socio-cultural ties through diplomacy among countries with a common heritage.
○I have no fashion designer; says Modi(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45482(7/27)

【ニューデリー】マノハル・パリカル国防相は5日催された満席の記者会見の席上、政府が同一階級同一年金(OROP:one rank, one pension)制の導入案を承認したことを明らかにするとともに、「政府は軍人と退役軍人に敬意を払っている」と語った。
○同一階級同一年金制導入コスト800−1000億ルピー(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45483(8/27)

【新徳里】国防部长马诺哈尔·帕里卡尔于9月5日举办的满座的记者会上发表,政府已经批准同一军阶同一养老金(OROP:one rank, one pension)制度,并说,"印度政府很尊敬军人和退伍军人。"
○同一军阶同一养老金制度成本800-1000亿卢比(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45484(9/27)
◆Govt accepts one rank, one pension; ex-servicemen continue agitation

【New Delhi】Addressing a packed press conference here on the 5th of September, Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar announced the government had accepted 'one rank, one pension', or OROP. "The government respects its armed forces and ex-servicemen," Parrikar said.
○OROP; says cost to exchequer estimated at Rs 8,000-10,000 crore(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45485(10/27)

【バンガロール】国営の国防産業企業Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL)は、ジャム・カシミール州ラダック地区レーにおいて、独自に設計・開発した攻撃用軽ヘリコプターLCH(Light Combat Helicopter)の高温・高々度試験(hot and high-altitude trials)を成功させ、国産化計画を更に大きく一歩前進させた。(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45486(11/27)

【班加罗尔】印度斯坦航空有限公司(HAL)在查谟和克什米尔拉达克地区列城已成功地进行了自行设计并开发的轻型作战直升机的高温度和高海拔试验。(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45487(12/27)
◆HAL completes hot & high altitude trials of Light Combat Helicopter

【Bengaluru】In yet another boost for the indigenisation drive, The Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) has successfully carried out hot and high-altitude trials of indigenously designed, developed attack chopper Light Combat Helicopter (LCH) at Leh.(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45488(13/27)

○パキスタン、ムザファラバード復興事業を中国等に発注(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45489(14/27)

○中国和其他四国承包穆扎法拉巴徳重建计划(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45490(15/27)
◆BSF told to give fitting reply to truce violations: Rajnath

【Mumbai】Reiterating India's position on border security vis-a-vis ceasefire violations, Home Minister Rajnath Singh on the 5th of September told a gathering of BJP workers that the Border Security Forces have been told to give a bold reply to continuing Pakistani violations of the ceasefire on Kashmir border.
○Pakistan asks China and other countries to reconstruct Muzaffarabad(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45491(16/27)

【アンカラ】国際通貨基金(IMF)のクリスティーヌ・マドレーヌ・オデット・ラガルド専務理事は「インドは、世界経済における数少ない明るいスポットの一つ」と語った。(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45492(17/27)

【安卡拉】国际货币基金组织(IMF)的克里斯蒂娜·拉加徳总裁表示,"印度是在全球经济中,为数不多的亮点。"(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45493(18/27)
◆India among few bright spots, says IMF Chief

【Ankara】International Monetary Fund Chief Christine Lagarde has said that India is among the few bright spots in the global economy.(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45494(19/27)

【ニューデリー】インド準備銀行(RBI:Reserve Bank of India)および財務省を含む管制組織の代表から成る『早期警戒グループ(EWG:Early Warning Group)』が「状況がさらに悪化すれば下支え」する必要を指摘する中、世界的な神経過敏症と株価の急落は、インド政府にも懸念を生じさせ始めた。
○インド中銀前総裁、金利引き下げ提唱(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45495(20/27)

【新徳里】全球性神经过敏症和股市的暴跌终于使印度政府开始操心,由印度储备银行(RBI:Reserve Bank of India)和财政部高级官员组成的"早期预警团(EWG:Early Warning Group)"表明注视情况并等到状况恶化时才采取扶持行动。
○印度储备银行前行长提倡降息(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45496(21/27)
◆How Finance Ministry and RBI brace for global financial ripples

【New Delhi】Global jitters and plunging stock markets are beginning to worry the government, with an inter-regulatory Early Warning Group (EWG) comprising officials of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the finance ministry bracing for action should conditions worsen.
○Markets should not fear volatility: Raghuram Rajan
○Former RBI governor seeks rate cut(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45497(22/27)

○ジャガー・ランドローバー、サウジ計画既に廃棄も(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45498(23/27)

【金奈】雷诺 - 日产公司说,关于该公司应该享受的290亿卢比投资优待措施的谈判现在与泰米尔纳徳州政府进行中。
○捷豹路虎可能已经报废了沙特计划(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45499(24/27)
◆We invest in Tamil Nadu, nowhere else: Guillaume Sicard

【Chennai】Renault-Nissan has said negotiations are on with the Tamil Nadu government over Rs 2,900 crore in incentives due to the carmaker.
○30% of GM India's business would be from exports
○Jaguar Land Rover may have scrapped Saudi plans(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45500(25/27)

○『聖霊のバプテスマ』とは一体何か(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45501(26/27)

 教皇弗朗西斯向巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席马哈茂徳·阿巴斯说; "我一时也没有想你的时刻了。因为你是和平的使者。"阿巴斯是为了出席两名巴勒斯坦修女的封圣典礼而到梵蒂冈访问的。

○"圣灵的施洗"是什么概念?(...Read more)
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45502(27/27)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Angel of Peace)

 Pope Francis said to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who had visited Vatican for the canonization of two Palestinian nuns; "I thought of you because you are an angel of peace..."
○Angel of Peace
○State of Palestine
○Sovereignty of Israel○A slave to sin
○Abrahamic religions
○What is "Baptism with The Holy Spirit"?(...Read more)
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